2025학년도 수능특강 소재편 27강 언어, 문학, 문화 주장 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 전국 37개 학교
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 전국 37개 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 학교명 지역 고교유형 수시 정시 인원 용인외대부고 용인 전국자사고 28 38 66 대원외고 광진구 외고 24 21 45 중동고 강남 광역
Gateway 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
The need to assimilate values and lifestyle of the host culture has become a growing conflict. Multiculturalists suggest that there should be a model of partial assimilation in which immigrants retain some of their customs, beliefs, and language. There is pressure to conform rather than to maintain their cultural identities, however, and these conflicts are greatly determined by the community to which one migrates. These experiences are not new; many Europeans experienced exclusion and poverty during the first two waves of immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries. Eventually, these immigrants transformed this country with significant changes that included enlightenment and acceptance of diversity. People of color, however, continue to struggle for acceptance. Once again, the challenge is to recognize that other cultures think and act differently and that they have the right to do so. Perhaps, in the not too distant future, immigrants will no longer be strangers among us.
① 이민자 고유의 정체성을 유지할 권리에 대한 공동체의 인식이 필요하다.
② 이민자의 적응을 돕기 위해 그들의 요구를 반영한 정책 수립이 중요하다.
③ 이민자는 미래 사회의 긍정적 변화에 핵심적 역할을 수행할 수 있다.
④ 다문화 사회의 안정을 위해서는 국제적 차원의 지속적인 협력이 요구된다.
⑤ 문화적 동화는 장기적이고 체계적인 과정을 통해 점진적으로 이루어진다.
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: The need to assimilate values and lifestyle of the host culture has become a growing conflict. Multiculturalists suggest that there should be a model of partial assimilation
글 내용: 주 문화의 가치와 생활 방식을 동화시킬 필요성이 갈등을 증가시킨다. 다문화주의자들은 부분적으로 동화가 있어야 한다고 제안한다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
[문제] 1 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Some assumptions that notions of space (that is, a three-dimensional area in which events and objects occur and have relative direction and position) are universal — are being reexamined. Stephen Levinson showed that “systems of spatial reckoning and description can in fact be quite divergent across cultures, linguistic differences correlating with distinct cognitive tendencies.” More specifically, languages vary in their use of spatial concepts and, in some instances, determine the cognitive categories relating to space concepts; also, the speakers of a number of languages do not use spatial terms corresponding to the bodily coordinates of left-right and front-back. One example comes from the Tenejapa Tzeltal of Mexico: Their language uses no relative frame of reference and therefore has no terms for spatial reference that would correspond to left, right, front, and back. Although terms exist for left hand and right hand, they do not extend to other parts of the body or to areas external to it.
* reckoning: 추정, 계산 ** divergent: 다른, 갈라지는 *** coordinate: 좌표
① impact of culture on business communication
② universal recognition of the concept of time and space
③ cultural differences in nonverbal signals related to space
④ variability in perception of spatial concepts across languages
⑤ nature of online communication beyond the limits of language
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Some assumptions that notions of space are universal “systems of spatial reckoning and description can in fact be quite divergent across cultures, linguistic differences correlating with distinct cognitive tendencies.”
글 내용: 몇 사람들은 공간의 개념들은 보편적이라 추정한다. 공간을 추정하고 설명하는 체계는 실제로 문화마다 꽤 다르고 언어적 차이는 뚜렷이 다른 인지적 성향과 서로 연관도어 있다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
[문제] 2 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Languages are far more similar than had previously been thought, and that universality suggests that the human brain is designed to understand the world in certain ways, which may also correspond to the structure of reality. ① Thus, all languages have nouns and verbs, modifiers (adverbs and adjectives), and names and pronouns. ② Languages may differ as to the sequence of words in a sentence (e.g., verb in the middle or at the end), but sentences are always used. ③ Therefore, individuals <belonging to a particular community> may not follow the language habits of that community. ④ Even the sequence of words does not vary as widely as it could: Steven Pinker says that there are 128 possible orderings of the main parts of a sentence, but most languages use one of only two of those possibilities. ⑤ Crucially, most languages seem to have an almost identical list of concepts, and as a result nearly all words and sentences can be translated effectively from one language into another.
* modifier: 수식
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Languages are far more similar than had previously been thought
글 내용: 언어는 이전에 생각되었던 것보다 훨씬 더 유사하다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
[문제] 3 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Some performers manipulate the style of their product to shift the incentives of critics to pay attention. Richard Posner cites Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Kafka as figures who owe part of their reputation to the puzzling and perhaps even contradictory nature of their writings. Unclear authors, at least if they have substance and depth, receive more attention from critics and require more textual interpretation. Individual critics can establish their own reputations by studying such a writer and by promoting one interpretation of that writer’s work over another. These same critics will support the inclusion of the writer in the canon, to promote the importance of their own criticism. In effect, deep and ambiguous writers are offering critics implicit invitations to __________. Critics respond by examining these works more closely and spreading their fame more widely.
* canon: 주요 문헌 목록 ** ambiguous: 모호한
① ignore readers for a better textual analysis
② serve as coauthors of a broader piece of work
③ exclude paradoxical points from their arguments
④ compare their writing styles with those of classical writers
⑤ cooperate in a criticism of how writers copy each other’s styles
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: Some performers manipulate the style of their product to shift the incentives of critics to pay attention. Critics respond by examining these works more closely and spreading their fame more widely.
글 내용: 몇 수행하는 사람들은 주목하려는 비평가의 동기를 바꾸기 위해 그들의 작품의 스타일을 조작한다라는 글 내용으로 비평가들은 수행하는 사람들(여기서는 작자들)의 작품을 더 면밀히 조사하고 자신들의 명성을 더 널리 알림으로써 응답한다라는 글 내용을 이해하면 답을 유추할 수 있을 것이다.
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