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교육/2023학년도 수능 영어 문제풀이

2023학년도 수능 35번, 36~37번 문제

by 케미1004 2023. 12. 30.

볼딕체와 밑줄만 보면 답이 보인다.


무관한 문장과 글의 순서에서 문제를 풀어가는 과정을 확인하기


클릭하면 이미지가 확대됩니다


무관한 문장의 문제에서 첫 문장을 읽고 글의 방향을 확인하고 2,3,4 중에서 관련없는 문장을 찾는 문제이다.



35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?


Actors, singers, politicians and countless others recognise the power of the human voice as a means of communication beyond the simple decoding of the words that are used. Learning to control your voice and use it for different purposes is, therefore, one of the most important skills to develop as an early career teacher. The more confidently you give instructions, the higher the chance of a positive class response. There are times when being able to project your voice loudly will be very useful when working in school, and knowing that you can cut through a noisy classroom, dinner hall or playground is a great skill to have. In order to address serious noise issues in school, students, parents and teachers should search for a solution together. However, I would always advise that you use your loudest voice incredibly sparingly and avoid shouting as much as possible. A quiet, authoritative and measured tone has so much more impact than slightly panicked shouting.



당신의 목소리를 조절하는 것 그리고 다른 목적들에 따라 목소리를 사용하는 것을 을 배우는 것이 매우 중요한 기술들이다 라는 글 내용

글의 순서는 전후문장의 주어 특히 명사, 대명사의 쓰임을 확인하고 연결사를 확인하는 방식으로 문제를 풀어갈 수 있다. 


36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


A fascinating species of water flea exhibits a kind of flexibility [that evolutionary biologists call adaptive plasticity].


(A) That’s a clever trick, because producing spines and a helmet is costly, in terms of energy, and conserving energy is essential for an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce. The water flea only expends the energy needed to produce spines and a helmet when it needs to.

(B) If the baby water flea is developing into an adult in water that includes the chemical signatures of creatures that prey on water fleas, it develops a helmet and spines to defend itself against predators. If the water around it doesn’t include the chemical signatures of predators, the water flea doesn’t develop these protective devices.

(C) So it may well be that this plasticity is an adaptation: a trait that came to exist in a species because it contributed to reproductive fitness. There are many cases, across many species, of adaptive plasticity. Plasticity is conducive to fitness if there is sufficient variation in the environment.

* spine: 가시 돌기 ** conducive: 도움되는


(A) (C) (B)                        (B) (A) (C)

(B) (C) (A)                        (C) (A) (B)

(C) (B) (A)


물벼룩의 적응적 가소성을 소개하는 글


37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The most commonly known form of results-based pricing is a practice <called contingency pricing, used by lawyers>.


(A) Therefore, only an outcome in the client’s favor is compensated. From the client’s point of view, the pricing makes sense in part because most clients in these cases are unfamiliar with and possibly intimidated by law firms. Their biggest fears are high fees for a case [that may take years to settle].

(B) By using contingency pricing, clients are ensured that they pay no fees until they receive a settlement. In these and other instances of contingency pricing, the economic value of the service is hard to determine before the service, and providers develop a price that allows them to share the risks and rewards of delivering value to the buyer.

(C) Contingency pricing is the major way [that personal injury and certain consumer cases are billed]. In this approach, lawyers do not receive fees or payment until the case is settled, when they are paid a percentage of the money [that the client receives]. [3]

* intimidate: 위협하다


(A) (C) (B)                              (B) (A) (C)

(B) (C) (A)                              (C) (A) (B)

(C) (B) (A)


contingency pricing (lawyers do not receive fees or payment until the case is settled) 승소시 보수 약정에 관한 글 내용으로 고객의 받는 돈의 일정비율을 변호사가 보상을 받는다. 그러므로 고객의 선호에서 유일한 결과는 보상받는 것이다. 고객이 가장 두려워하는 것은 해결하는데 오래 걸리지 모르는 소송에서의 높은 수임료인데 승소시 보수 약정을 이용함으로써 고객들은 사건이 해결되지 않으면 수임료를 지불하지 않도록 보장받을수 있다.