2025학년도 수능특강 5강 글의 함축의미 문제들을 Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences 을 찾은 후 글의 내용 파악해서 문제풀이를 하겠습니다.
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 고등학교 전국 37개 학교
2024년 서울대 진학률이 높은 전국 37개 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 학교명 지역 고교유형 수시 정시 인원 용인외대부고 용인 전국자사고 28 38 66 대원외고 광진구 외고 24 21 45 중동고 강남 광역
Gateway 밑줄 친 a nonstick frying pan이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
[How you focus your attention] plays a critical role in [how you deal with stress]. Scattered attention harms your ability to let go of stress, because even though your attention is scattered, it is narrowly focused, for you are able to fixate only on the stressful parts of your experience. When your attentional spotlight is widened, you can more easily let go of stress. You can put in perspective many more aspects of any situation and not get locked into one part that ties you down to superficial and anxiety-provoking levels of attention. A narrow focus heightens the stress level of each experience, but a widened focus turns down the stress level because you’re better able to put each situation into a broader perspective. One anxiety-provoking detail is less important than the bigger picture. It’s like transforming yourself into a nonstick frying pan. You can still fry an egg, but the egg won’t stick to the pan.
* provoke: 유발시키다
① never being confronted with any stressful experiences in daily life
② broadening one’s perspective to identify the cause of stress
③ rarely confining one’s attention to positive aspects of an experience
④ having a larger view of an experience beyond its stressful aspects
⑤ taking stress into account as the source of developing a wide view
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences : [How you focus your attention] plays a critical role in [how you deal with stress]. narrow focus heightens the stress level, widened focus turns down the stress level
글 내용: 스트레스에 대처할 때 넓게 대처할 것인지 아니면 좁게 대처할 것인지에 따라 스트레스의 정도가 달라질 수 있다 있다라는 문장을 파악하면 된다.
Exercise 01 밑줄 친 It is like walking on thin ice가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
There are no black-and-white issues in life. No categorical answers. Everything is a subject for endless debate and compromise. This is one of the core principles of our current society. Because that core principle is wrong, the society ends up causing a lot of problems when it comes to sustainability. There are some issues that are black and white. There are indeed planetary and societal boundaries that must not be crossed. For instance, we think our societies can be a little bit more or a little bit less sustainable. But in the long run you cannot be a little bit sustainable — either you are sustainable or you are unsustainable. It is like walking on thin ice — either it carries your weight, or it does not. Either you make it to the shore, or you fall into the deep, dark, cold waters. And if that should happen to us, there will not be any nearby planet coming to our rescue. We are completely on our own.
*categorical: 단정적인
① A balance between extremes is needed to maintain sustainability.
② We should not think of technology as either beneficial or harmful.
③ Our survival depends on keeping an open mind about global issues.
④ In the climate change debate, it is vital to keep a practical perspective.
⑤ Sustainability is a critical situation where failure means the end of life on Earth.
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: the society ends up causing a lot of problems when it comes to sustainability, In the long run you cannot be a little bit sustainable.
글 내용: 전체적인 키워드는 지속가능성이다. 우선 선택지에서 지속가능성 단어가 들어가야 한다. 선택지 1번은 극단 사이에서 균형이 지속가능성을 유지하기 필요로 되어진다 와 5번은 지속가능성은 치명적 상황인데 여기서 실패는 삶의 끝을 의미한다의 선택지를 가지고 전체 지문이 말하고자 하는 것을 찾으면 된다. 지속가능성에 관하여 말하자면 사회는 결국 많은 문제들을 일으키게 된다 와 결국 당신은 지속가능할 수 없다 라는 문장을 파악한후 지속가능성은 살얼음판을 걷는 것과 같다의 함축된 의미를 찾으면 된다.
Exercise 02 밑줄 친 the rebellion went too far가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
The modern corporation as a child of laissez-faire economics and of the market society is based on a creed whose greatest weakness is the inability to see the need for status and function of the individual in society. In the philosophy of the market society there is no other social criterion than economic reward. Henry Maine's famous epigram that the course of modern history has been from status to contract neatly summarizes the belief of the nineteenth century, that social status and function should be exclusively the result of economic advancement. This emphasis was the result of a rebellion against a concept of society which defined human position exclusively in terms of politically determined status, and which thus denied equality of opportunity. But the rebellion went too far. In order to establish justice it denied meaning and fulfillment to those who cannot advance — that is, to the majority — instead of realizing that the good society must give both justice and status.
* laissez-faire:자유방임의 ** creed: 신조, 신념 *** epigram: 경구(警句)
① No economic reward was actually made.
② The social status of the masses grew too much.
③ Society defined individuals only as social beings.
④ Status was overshadowed by economic advancement.
⑤ The new order overemphasized individuals over groups.
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences : status and function of the individual in society, In the philosophy of the market society there is no other social criterion than economic reward.
글 내용: 사회에서 개인의 지위와 기능이 시장 사회에서는 경제적 보상 이외에 다른 사회적 기준이 없다. 밑줄의 반란은 지나치게 나아갔다 라는 글은 시장 사회에서 개인의 지위와 기능을 무시하는 것으로 이해하면 된다.
Exercise 03 밑줄 친 "closing the loop"가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
The notion of a "circular economy" — in which materials circulate continuously, being used and reused time and time again — is an appealing vision. However, it is crucial to highlight just how far we are from that goal at present. Although most textiles are entirely recyclable, 73 percent of waste clothing was incinerated or went to landfills globally in 2015. Just 12 percent was recycled into low-value textile applications such as mattress stuffing and less than 1 percent was recycled back into clothing. Some would question how realistic the idea of "closing the loop" can be: the complexity of the fashion system means that there are multiple opportunities for materials to "leak" from the reuse cycle. Furthermore, it must be noted that fiber recycling is not without its own environmental footprint. Even the reuse of secondhand clothing has implications in terms of resource use and waste, particularly if items are transported over long distances, dry cleaned, and repackaged.
* textile: 직물 ** incinerate: 소각하다
① producing new fashion products every season
② sustainable textile recycling that has zero waste
③ a continuous effort to invent recyclable materials
④ creating and supplying only enough to meet demand
⑤ the end of exclusively producing certain fashion goods
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences: circular economy, Just 12 percent was recycled, less than 1 percent was recycled back into clothing
글 내용: 순환경제, 단지 12%가 재활용되었고, 1%미만이 의류로 재활용되었다라는 문장으로 ‘순환고리 닫기‘다음 문장에서 패션 시스템에서 재료들이 재활용으로부터 누출될 수 있다의 문장을 누출되지 않는 상태로 되게 하는 것으로 글 내용을 파악하면 된다.
Exercise 04 밑줄 친 compel Time to give money in advance가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
When anticipating the effects of time, we should mentally forecast what they are likely to be; we should not practically stop them from happening, by demanding the immediate performance of promises which time alone can fulfill. The man who makes his demand will find out that there is no worse or stricter usurer than Time: and that, if you compel Time to give money in advance, you will have to pay a rate of interest much higher than any usurer would require. It is possible, for instance, to make a tree burst forth into leaf, blossom, or even bear fruit within a few days, by the application of unslaked lime and artificial heat: but after that the tree will wither away. So a young man may abuse his strength — it may be only for a few weeks — by trying to do at nineteen what he could easily manage at thirty, and Time may give him the loan for which he asks; but the interest he will have to pay comes out of the strength of his later years; indeed, it is part of his very life itself.
* unslaked lime: 생석회(生石灰) ** wither away: 시들어 죽다
① pass on your responsibilities to someone else
② seek premature results before the time is right
③ aim to predict the success or failure of your work
④ ask for enough time to get your work done successfully
⑤ want to get paid for tasks you've completed ahead of schedule
Keywords, phrases, clauses, sentences : the effects of time, emanding the immediate performance of promises which time alone can fulfill.
글 내용: 시간의 효과 즉 사람은 시간이 많다. 시간이 적다에 따라서 여유있게 혹은 긴박하게 일을 처리하는 경우가 있다. 여기서의 글내용은 시간만이 수행할 수 있는 즉각적인 약속의 이행을 요구하게 해야 한다라는 문장으로 파악하면 된다.
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